David Copperfield's history of magic /

In this personal journey through a unique and remarkable performing art, David Copperfield profiles twenty-eight of the world's most groundbreaking magicians. From the 16th-century magistrate who wrote the first book on conjuring to the roaring twenties and the man who fooled Houdini, to the wo...

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Detaylı Bibliyografya
Asıl Yazarlar: Copperfield, David, 1956-, Wiseman, Richard, (Yazar), Britland, David, (Yazar)
Diğer Yazarlar: Liwag, Homer, (Fotoğrafçı)
Materyal Türü: Kitap
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi: New York : Simon & Schuster, [2021]
Edisyon:First Simon & Schuster Hardcover Edition.
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