Lost and found cat : the true story of Kunkush's incredible journey /

When an Iraqi family is forced to flee their home, they can t bear to leave their beloved cat, Kunkush, behind. So they carry him with them from Iraq to Greece, keeping their secret passenger hidden away. But during the crowded boat crossing to Greece, his carrier breaks and the frightened cat runs...

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Detaylı Bibliyografya
Asıl Yazarlar: Kuntz, Doug., Shrodes, Amy, (Yazar)
Diğer Yazarlar: Cornelison, Sue, (İllüstratör)
Materyal Türü: Kitap
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi: New York : Crown Books for Young Readers, 2017.
Edisyon:First edition.
Etiketler: Etiketle